
Our Winter semester is underway!
Classes are offered on campus, as well as online, with hybrid schedules available for most students.
With the exception of those in clinical programs, such as Nursing, DMS, Surgical Technology, and Education, students are not currently required to show proof of Covid vaccination to attend in-person classes.
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Student ranks in the top-15 nationally in four events
This year marks the 16th anniversary of this annual culinary competition
Career Services hosts another impactful event with local employers
Bahamian education officials meet with students and staff in New York
Monroe proudly wins the local community's votes for "best college" and "best college president"
CINY student competes in India with students from colleges across 60 countries
Alumnus takes his culinary talents to incredible heights
Alumna from St. Kitts credits Monroe for helping her get a head start on an exciting career in Finance
SCSJ faculty bring real-world experience to the classroom from their tenure with the NYPD
Pop-up virtual history tour unveiled in King Hall