Jean Casseus

“I now see my background as a strength and a bridge to connecting to others.”

Jean Casseus was inspired to study Criminal Justice due to a personal incident in his youth, where he was frisked by a police officer based on his skin color and attire. This experience fueled his determination to improve relationships among the government, police, and his community.

Jean fulfilled his promise to himself by graduating cum laude with a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice. Today, he holds multiple roles: Outreach Coordinator at Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan, Mentor at the United Black Men of Queens Foundation, and Head Coach of Monroe's Women's Soccer Team, which he led to the National Championships in Florida.

When Jean first arrived in New York from Haiti, he initially tried to hide his roots to fit in. However, Monroe's diverse environment encouraged him to embrace his heritage fully. This newfound confidence significantly benefited his career, allowing him to view his background as a strength and a bridge for connecting with people from various backgrounds and beliefs, making him more impactful in his job.

Having professors with real-world experience in the field provided Jean with invaluable insights into his future work. Professors who had worked as attorneys or detectives shared their personal stories and practical knowledge, offering a depth of understanding that textbooks alone could not provide. This practical education helped Jean excel in his career.

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