Disability Services at
Monroe University
The Office of Disability Services provides accommodations to Monroe University students who have special needs. Monroe is committed to helping students with disabilities obtain equal access to academic and programmatic services as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation in Education Act of 1973.
- Notice to classroom instructors and Testing Centers of all accommodations
- Extended time to complete exams
- Use of a computer for exams to write essays or answer short questions
- Test taking at a separate location (Testing Center) on the same day the test is given in class
- Use of a tape recorder or calculator (provided by student) in class and/or on exams
- Preferential seating in class
- Access to campus computers that are programmed for enlarged print and graphics
- Security assistance with evacuation and unlocking alarmed doors or elevators
- Referrals to other resources by our office of Health and Wellness, 646-393-8228, such as counseling, health services, and rehabilitation agencies
Steps to Receive Accommodations
- Student should inform an admissions counselor during the admissions process or contact the campus representative for the Office of Disabilities Services (ODS - listed below) directly in order to receive accommodations and related services to take the entrance English and math placement test.
- Intake Release form must be submitted with the appropriate documentation described in Part C of the form to receive accommodations.
- Student schedules an initial meeting with a disability counselor so that the student may learn more about available services and the counselor may get to know the student.
- Student should meet with the campus representative for the Office of Disabilities Services (ODS) at the beginning of each semester, and is encouraged to have a private conversation with all professors at the beginning of each semester regarding accommodations.
- Visually impaired students with a guide dog, Service Dog or an emotional / therapy support animal are directed to inform the Office of Disability Services so that proper arrangements can be made for the animal and the campus community. Anyone who is applying to be in the dorm must submit all requested documentation one full month before the start of the semester and pending the availability of a bed at the time of their application.
We Are Here to Help
Saadia Del-Llano
Executive Director, Health and Wellness & 504 Services
Email: sdelllano@monroeu.edu
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Monroe University is deeply committed to providing an education that is accessible to all students regardless of disability, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students who require an academic accommodation due to a disability may apply by completing the Office of Disability Services Initial Intake Form.