Monroe Alumni Share their Memories in New Book

Each student who comes to Monroe travels here via their own unique path, both literally and figuratively.

Some come from across town, while other travel from around the world. Some come from a long line of proud Monroe graduates, while others are proud to be “first generation” students. Some come to study business while others culinary or early childhood education or IT or nursing or an allied health field or criminal justice. You get the picture.

Upon graduation, our students leave her with an equally unique narrative about their memories and accomplishments as a Monroe student.

Woven throughout their Monroe stories, however, is applause for our warm, personal learning environment and deep appreciation for the faculty and staff who believed in them and inspired them to reach beyond their comfort zone.

Our Office of Alumni Relations recently set out on an ambitious oral history project to capture these stories.

Alumni from across the decades and around the world were invited to share their memories and photos for inclusion in a compendium celebrating these graduates and their alma mater.

The resulting work is the just-published, inspirational book called “In My Words: As Told by the Alumni of Monroe College.”

It is a beautiful collection of memories from students located far and wide.

Their heartfelt words of respect and gratitude for the faculty and staff who truly had their backs are incredibly moving.

Please visit us here to read these amazing stories for yourself.